Recently, the deepin community announced its plans for the next version, but many users have a question: why is there no deepin 24 version after deepin 23, and it directly jumps to deepin 25? In fact, this is the result of discussions with the open-source community to determine the future release strategy of deepin OS.


Release Cycle and Naming Rules for deepin OS

To begin with, the deepin community will adopt a strategy based on the "year" as the basis for version numbering in the future:

  • One major version will be released each year, providing two important version images: the official versionn and the quality version, with release dates in January and June respectively.
  • In December of each year, a functional version (RC version) of the new version for the following year will be released. This version usually brings new features and enhancements, providing users with a fresh user experience.
  • In terms of naming the functional version, the deepin community follows a clear and concise rule: it is named after the last two digits of the release year. For example, deepin 25 RC version will be released in December 2024, and Deepin 25 official version will be released in January 2025.

This release strategy aims to reflect the release year more clearly and make it easier for users to identify and remember. Just imagine, when we see the version number of deepin, it's like seeing the hands of a clock ticking, with each number representing a journey and progress. This naming convention is not only concise and clear but also provides us with a more intuitive understanding of the system's development process.


Version Update and Pushing Strategy

After each major version is released, the deepin team closely monitors community feedback and software stability, regularly pushing minor version updates. For example, for deepin 25, there will be regular updates of version 25.1, 25.2, and 25.3 each year. These minor version updates usually include important security patches, performance improvements, and the introduction of new features.


Additional Releases in Special Cases

Of course, in certain special cases where it's necessary to address critical bugs or introduce important features, the deepin team may release additional images. Although such cases are not frequent, given our deep concern and commitment to user experience, we will take prompt measures to ensure timely resolution of identified issues.


Why is there no deepin 24 version?

Finally, let's answer the initial question: why is there no deepin 24 version? According to the latest release strategy for the deepin community version mentioned above, the functional versions are named after the last two digits of the release year. Therefore, the next functional version will be released in December 2024 and will be named deepin 25 RC edition.


Looking to the Future

In fact, every version update carries the expectations and trust of the community users. Over the past decade, we have released more than 20 versions with over 300 regular updates. The goal of the deepin team is to continuously provide users with a stable, secure, and user-friendly operating system. Starting from deepin 25, you can consider it as a semi-rolling Linux distribution (with a stable underlying system and fast iteration of upper-level features, and non-dependent application updates). I believe that with this strategy, the community edition can ensure a certain level of quality and stability while rapidly introducing new features and upstream updates, making everyone happier with it.



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