The deepin Campus Alliance Attends FLISOL 2024 !

The deepin Campus Alliance Attends FLISOL 2024 !

The deepin Campus Alliance, adhering to the mission of promoting open-source culture and technology, has once again stirred up a passionate wave overseas in the tide of global technological exchanges. At Yachay Tech University in Ecuador, the deepin Campus Alliance ambassador Mosquera led a team that traveled hundreds of kilometers to actively participate in FLISoL (Latin American Free Software Festival). In this event, they communicated the open-source philosophy of the deepin community—"openness, innovation, and co-construction"—to the enthusiastic overseas audience, effectively facilitating the extensive spread of open-source culture and technology in Ecuador.

On the eve of the event, the ambassadors not only meticulously prepared their speeches but also engaged in profound intellectual exchanges and collisions of ideas. They rehearsed diligently, striving to present the best possible effect. They were well aware that this was not just a speech, but a comprehensive display and transmission of the core values and strengths of deepin.

FLISOL is the largest event for the dissemination of free software in Latin America, taking place simultaneously in several cities across the continent.

In the vibrant atmosphere of the event, the alliance ambassadors provided a detailed introduction to the development history of deepin, showcasing its advantages in terms of interface aesthetics, security, stability, and compatibility. They emphasized that deepin has a rich software ecosystem, offering a wide range of applications for users to choose from. Furthermore, through live demonstrations, participants were given the opportunity to experience the smooth operation of deepin in file management, multitasking, web browsing, document editing, and schedule management. This was not just a showcase of technology, but also a touch on the heart, allowing every experiencer to deeply feel the convenience and pleasure brought by deepin.


What's even more exciting is that the enthusiastic response triggered by the deepin event has not only resonated in the field of technology but has also had a profound impact on the level of open-source culture and thought. At the event, Ms. Gina Brito, the founder of the Ecuadorian Ubuntu community and former secretary of communication for the president, firmly believes that the open-source spirit and technology of deepin will inject new vitality into the local education field. She looks forward to carrying out educational project cooperation and joint talent cultivation to enhance students' technical literacy and innovation capabilities. At the same time, she aims to foster their open-mindedness and team spirit, thereby injecting new momentum into the progress of technology and the development of society.

Additionally, the expansion prospects of the deepin operating system in the international market are increasingly demonstrating its vibrant energy and limitless potential. The deepin translation project for the Kichwa language has become a highlight of community interaction, attracting the attention of Mr. Pedro, the chairman of the Kichwa Language Association. He is actively seeking cooperation with us and has expressed a strong desire to integrate the products of his cybersecurity software company with the deepin operating system. This is undoubtedly a recognition of deepin's technical strength and innovative capabilities, and it is also a strong support for its international strategy.

Kichwa is one of the official languages of Ecuador and is also an indigenous language spoken in parts of Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, as well as in some regions of Argentina and Chile.


This deepin Campus Alliance overseas event is not only a significant breakthrough on the international stage but also a notable demonstration of the influence of the Chinese open-source community abroad. In the future, the deepin Campus Alliance will continue to uphold the spirit of open source and the mission of cultivating outstanding open-source talents. Focusing on deepin, they will organize more open-source events, build bridges between domestic and international universities, and cultivate more open-source talents with an international perspective and innovative spirit, injecting a continuous stream of vitality into the global open-source community.



(1)deepin Previous Versions(include deepin V15):

(2)FLISOL Quito: Deepin Linux Showcase & Community Outreach:



Content source: deepin community
Reprinted with attribution

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