Deepin System Monitor V1.3.1 is a revision. It added some new functions, mainly optimized some details, and fixed bugs from users.
- Newly supported to display system tray;
- Newly supported to identify and display the used memory of VirtualBox;
- Newly supported to identify the application window of FlatPak;
- Newly added translations of many langauages;
- Optimized XKillClient to replace the original algorithm of "Force to end application", so as to support FlatPak applications;
- Fixed the incompatible issue with TeamViewer due to getting the process environment variable;
- Fixed the issue that progress list stroke was not displayed occasionally;
- Fixed the issue that progress list responded to extral right-click;
- Fixed the warning issue of QDBusArgument;
- Fixed the issue that progress list can not be rolled smoothly when double-finger swiped in touchpad;
Welcome to use Deepin System Monitor V1.3.1 by updating your system or download in Deepin Store.
老王照例没有改关于里面的版本号 \(^o^)/~