Community Data Overview


Community Products

deepin V23 RC2 Release

On June 14, 2024, the deepin V23 RC2 version was officially released. The latest update of deepin V23 RC2 not only includes multiple performance optimizations but also essentially completes the selection of basic software packages, keeping pace with mainstream domestic and international distributions. It ensures that the deepin V23 version has a comprehensive enhancement in security, stability, hardware and software compatibility, and performance in various scenarios.

Deepin Home

In June 2024, Deepin Home received a total of 353 user feedback on bugs and requirements:There were 246 bug reports and 57 feedback on requirements, with 13 bugs fixed and 50 system bugs confirmed.

The bugs that have been fixed include issues reported by users such as [WeChat icon abnormality], [Deepin browser cannot be set as the default browser], [Recycle Bin and File Manager have no icons on the taskbar], etc.


SIG Group Progress in June

New deepin SIG Groups Added in June:



Current Group Dynamics:


  • Maintaining and updating baseline software packages
  • Preparing for the release of the deepin v23 RC2 version


  • Continuously updating dde-shell and peripheral components in preparation for the release of subsequent versions

dde-port SIG:

  • Continuously promoting the porting of dde to various distributions

deepin-kernel SIG:

    • Improving existing hardware support
    • Providing better domestic hardware support for the deepin kernel


Community Ecosystem

In May, 42 new applications were added: including 13 native Linux applications and 29 Wine applications, all of which have been fully launched in the deepin App Store.

In June, the deepin App Store completed the launch of 353 applications, including 97 native Linux applications and 238 Wine applications, all of which have been fully launched in the deepin App Store.

264 new application packages were launched, including the official "UOS Application Migration Assistant" which has completed adaptation for the community system version. Initially, we collected user demands for video editing applications through a wish list. Now, various video editing applications, including "Jianying," have been successively completed and launched. Several AI applications have been newly adapted to the community v20 system version, including AI Wuyou Wisdom Official Documents, Dou Bao, Zhi Pu Qing Yan, and iFlytek Zhiwen.

89 application updates were launched, with several key applications updated, including QQ, DingTalk, LibreOffice, Firefox, etc.

We welcome everyone to continue recommending useful applications in the comment section and forum.


Community Activities

deepin Campus Alliance

The deepin Campus Alliance, adhering to the purpose of promoting open-source culture and technology, once again set off a fervent wave overseas in the global technological exchange. At Yachay Tech University in Ecuador, deepin Campus Alliance Ambassador Mosquera led the team to cross hundreds of kilometers to actively participate in FLISoL (Latin American Free Software Festival). In this event, they conveyed the open-source concept of "openness, innovation, and joint construction" of the deepin community to the enthusiastic overseas audience, effectively promoting the widespread dissemination of open-source culture and technology in Ecuador.

Read More:


PM Direct

PM Direct is a new feature column launched by the deepin community in May 2024. In this column, we invite product managers from various products to share and exchange interesting and useful deepin or Linux-related applications with everyone. The product managers will also interact with all users on the deepin forum to answer questions.

In June, the Product Face-to-Face column brought users a related sharing on document managers. The product manager, Jiang Wanying, engaged in discussions and Q&A with forum users on the deepin forum.

Read More:


deepin Forum

  • In June, the deepin forum published a total of 8,827 posts.
  • There were 1,256 new topic threads posted.
  • More than 800 new friends joined the deepin forum.


Community Acknowledgements

[Most Active Forum Member]

  • 阿尼樱奈奈
  • 神末shemo
  • 龙入海

[Most Active Beta Tester]

  • 字母N
  • dima88888123123
  • 悠享余光
  • 神末shenmo
  • wlly-lzh

[Most Active PR Contributor]

  • leoliu-oc
  • weblate
  • yuanxia0927
  • kyrie-z
  • lixianglai



(1)deepin Previous Versions(include deepin V15):

(2)The deepin Campus Alliance Attends FLISOL 2024 !



Content source: deepin community
Reprinted with attribution

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