The 2024 Debian Conference (DebConf24) successfully concluded at the Daeyeon Campus of Pukyong National University in early August, attracting over 339 attendees from 48 countries and regions worldwide.

During the conference, developers from around the globe participated in 108 events, including over 50 lectures and discussions, 37 Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions, 12 workshops, and a day trip. The topics covered a wide range of areas, including free software and Debian introductions, package policies, system administration, automation, cloud and containers, system security, community diversity, internationalization, localization, embedded systems, and the kernel.

The deepin Community has been attending this grand event since 2020 and was honored to participate again this year, engaging in discussions on Linux technology roadmaps and open-source community development.

Chen Tianyu, a system development engineer representing the deepin Community, shared the deep friendship between Debian and deepin at the conference. deepin 15 and deepin 20 were developed based on Ubuntu/Debian, and DDE (deepin Desktop Environment) has been widely ported to Debian and other distributions. "Debian, as a globally renowned Linux community, brings together countless talented developers and loyal users, serving as a model for deepin in many aspects."

Chen Tianyu, System Development Engineer and Representative of the deepin Community

In the subsequent technical sharing session, Chen Tianyu discussed deepin's advanced experiences in package building, including an efficient workflow based on GitHub, deep integration with Open Build Service (OBS), and the flexible use of automation tools.

Since 2017, deepin has developed a new independent package management tool called "Linyaps," which, with its robust cross-distribution support, effectively addresses compatibility issues caused by the strong dependencies of traditional package management systems and security issues arising from loose permissions. To date, over 400 developers have contributed more than 2,000 Linyaps applications.

He expressed hope that this conference would attract more developers to contribute to "Linyaps," sparking limitless possibilities for collaborative product creation within the community.

As one developer at the DebConf conference remarked, "When a group of like-minded people comes together to work towards a common goal, the power they demonstrate is incredibly strong."

Since the release of its first version in 2004, the deepin Community has been committed to promoting Linux to a vast Chinese user base. Today, the deepin Community has become one of the most successful Linux communities originating from China, with over 5.4 million loyal users, nearly 3 million of whom are from overseas (as of April 2024). This data undoubtedly highlights deepin's growing influence and appeal on the global stage.

We firmly believe that by participating in such exchange and sharing activities, we can contribute to the advancement of free software and unite the efforts of developers from around the world to promote the flourishing development of the open-source industry.


Related Reading:

(1)deepin Full Version ISO (including deepin V15)

(2)deepin RISC-V ISO(LicheePi 44A、VisionFive2 etc.)


Content source: deepin community

Reprinted with attribution

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