deepin 23 Known Issues to be Fixed

  • After logging out or rebooting the system, the "Personalization-Appearance" settings change issue occurs.
  • Despite setting automatic updates, the system still displays the update download issue after completion.
  • When using the taskbar application tray with Wine-type applications, a small black box remains after right-clicking.
  • On the last page of the system installation, the "Restart Now" option cannot be selected using the keyboard.
  • Switching to the pipewire audio framework causes noise and discontinuous sound during recording.
  • When hovering over the brightness plugin on an external monitor, the tooltip flickers.
  • Connecting the system with a phone data cable, opening file transfer, then opening any folder on the phone in the system file manager, results in the file manager crashing after unplugging the cable.
  • When selecting screen recording or screenshot on the shutdown button interface, clicking the settings button results in a crash.
  • In the light theme, the "Keyboard-English" icon in the right-click menu of the fcitx5 tray icon appears white.
  • Residing all plugins in the taskbar, after waking from standby, there is insufficient space between the collapsed tray icon and the icons on the right.
  • Dragging the power icon in the tray results in no gap between the collapsed tray and the power icon.
  • After recording, clicking "Open Folder" in the notification message opens the wrong location.
  • Downloading files from Baidu Cloud through a web page does not transfer the download process to the Baidu Cloud application.
  • Occasionally, when checking disk information in the right-click properties of the system disk, the file manager crashes.
  • Pinyin search in the launcher accurately matches search results, while Chinese character search does not provide precise matches.
  • After connecting an extended screen, desktop application icons change from vertical to horizontal display.
  • In the Linglong version of QQ, multiple processes appear in the system monitor.
  • Turning on Bluetooth and toggling airplane mode does not synchronize the Bluetooth icon status.
  • When clicking the "Update Now" button in the notification message upon detecting an update, the operation does not respond.
  • No prompt is provided when entering special characters in a filename or during renaming.
  • Entering special characters in a filename or during renaming directly ends the current input without continuing the renaming process.
  • Disabling window effects results in squared corners at the bottom and rounded corners at the top for third-party application windows.
  • The Transcription Master voice-to-text feature is missing, inconsistent with the application description.
  • Pasting tables from WPS to WeChat results in the table displaying in black.
  • After minimizing WeChat, using the built-in shortcut (Alt+A) fails to take a screenshot.
  • In the light theme, the left toolbar in LibreOffice Draw is unclear.
  • Creating a new schedule in the Linglong calendar does not provide the expected reminder after setting a reminder time.
  • Except for the wireless network icon, other icons in the quick panel do not respond to touch.
  • The list in the middle of the launcher cannot be scrolled by touch.
  • The IP address queried in the terminal does not match the IP displayed in the network settings.
  • Right-clicking on another application after opening the context menu of a third-party application does not dismiss the context menu.
  • Downloading Linglong applications from the app store gets stuck at 7% for a while before installing successfully in an abnormal state.
  • Recently installed applications in the app management are displayed at the bottom, not sorted in descending order by time.
  • In full-screen mode of the launcher, some application icons appear smaller.
  • Occasionally, sound plays normally, but the output device shows as empty.
  • Some devices take too long, over 5 seconds, to enter the desktop after entering a password upon startup.
  • The right-click menu of the search box is not fully localized.
  • Opening the help manual with F1 shows overlapping icons in the top left corner.
  • Unable to add attachments from external devices to emails.
  • CPU usage spikes when playing WeChat mini-games.
  • After moving application windows to the extended screen, unplugging external devices does not retain the window position.
  • The battery plugin in the taskbar of laptop devices shows incorrect information.
  • Adjusting the volume down while the system is muted unmutes it.
  • In the Device Manager-Mouse interface, the right-click option "Allow waking up the computer" for Mouse and Touchpad is interlinked.
  • PdfMod crashes when editing PDF documents.
  • Selecting encryption during full disk installation results in incorrect display of disk information and button states after the encryption prompt appears.
  • Occasionally, after recording, the recording icon freezes on the taskbar, preventing further use.
  • In free-sorting mode, moving applications to a new position and switching to full-screen mode causes the apps to move, not displaying in the new sorted position.
  • In the screen recording status of the taskbar, the plugin icon default position is incorrect.
  • When the taskbar layout is left-aligned, the launcher icon is too close to the screen edge.
  • Applications cannot be dragged from the launcher to the taskbar for pinning.
  • When in window mode with free sorting, dragging application icons does not smoothly scroll or switch pages for placement.
  • Uninstalling software from the launcher does not display the uninstalled software icon in the notification.
  • In full-screen mode of the launcher, dragging forward with only one application icon results in incorrect page navigation.
  • When activating small modules in the quick panel, the colors do not display correctly in dark mode.
  • Dragging plugin icon positions activates hover effects on other icons.
  • Occasionally, after locking the screen, the focus is lost in the password box with no input prompt displayed.
  • In non-Chinese environments, plugin names in the quick panel do not fully display, and tooltips are missing.
  • Occasionally, only the wireless network icon is responsive in the quick panel, while other touch or click interactions have no response.
  • In dual-screen extension mode, maximizing application windows results in interface information being obscured by the taskbar.
  • Occasionally, even with normal audio output, the output device shows as empty.
  • Occasionally, in dual-screen extension mode, right-clicking anywhere on the taskbar results in the context menu appearing in a randomly offset position.
  • Occasionally, the launcher cannot be resized by dragging when opened.
  • Occasionally, after opening Deepin Store, the Depth Home plugin is not displayed in the taskbar plugin tray.
  • Occasionally, changing themes or icon themes results in lag and reloading of applications on the taskbar.
  • Various UI display detail issues.


Related Reading:

(1)deepin 23  ISO

(2)deepin Full Version ISO (including deepin V15)

(3)deepin Release Notes


Content source: deepin community

Reprinted with attribution