Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!

The Linux Deepin team is going to celebrate the Lunar New Year from New Year's Eve on January 30 through January 7. We wish everyone a happy Chinese new year! Linux Deepin Team:  

Czech Language installation image for Linux Deepin 2013 is available

Czech Language installation image for Linux Deepin 2013 is available

  The Linux Deepin team is happy to announce that the translation into Czech, part of the Linux Deepin Localization Project, is now 100% completed. Czech users can now set their language to Czech and enjoy Linux Deepin in their own language. An installation image for Czech users is also available for download: http://cdimage.linuxdeepin.com/daily-live/desktop-cs/current/deepin-desktop-cs-amd64.iso Reviewers and translators can download the image and adjust/improve their translations on Transifex. It is strongly recommended that you use Wget or other file retrieving tools that can resume downloads when they are broken or interrupted. Alternatively, you can download it from our SourceForge page. Meanwhile, ...Read more

New mirror provided by contributor

New mirror provided by contributor

A new mirror for Linux Deepin’s packages has recently been brought online. As the mirror provider, Love4Taylor, wrote on his blog, the download speed from the mirror can reach up to 2.5 Megabytes per second while using a Japan based VPS service. Below is the URI for the mirrored packages: http://mirrors.love4taylor.org/deepin/ Thank Love4Taylor for generously providing us with the mirror support. If you are also able to mirror Linux Deepin and are willing to help us, please contact us.

Advantages of Deepin Software Center 3.0 over 2.x

Advantages of Deepin Software Center 3.0 over 2.x

The topic might seem a bit outdated since Deepin Software Center 3.0 has been released for almost a year now. However, it is still necessary to give it a brief introduction because there are few articles written in English about it. Below are some of the highlights of the third major version of Deepin Software Center. 1. Weekly recommends from Deepin Software Center can keep you informed of interesting and useful apps. New applications are included from time to time.

New mirror in the United States is Available

New mirror in the United States is Available

James Madison University has generously agreed to mirror Linux Deepin’s packages and ISO images. The mirrored packages and ISO images can be found at the following URIs: http://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin ftp://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin rsync://mirror.jmu.edu/deepin and http://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin-cd ftp://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin-cd rsync://mirror.jmu.edu/deepin-cd Users can choose their preferred mirror in Deepin Software Center. To select JMU’s mirror: 1. Open the Preferences panel in Deepin Software Center. 2. Select the Mirrors tab. 3. Hover your mouse over a URL (HTTP or FTP) for JMU’s mirror, and click on the icon which appears after the URL.   We would like to thank James Madison University public mirror for helping us and ...Read more

New mirror provided by Aliyun Open Source Mirror Site

New mirror provided by Aliyun Open Source Mirror Site

Linux Deepin is now mirrored on Aliyun Open Source Mirror Site, which is maintained by Site Reliability Engineering of Alibaba Group. Aliyun Open Source Mirror Site was recently brought online. As one of its maintainers claimed on his Weibo (a twitter-like microblogging service in China) page, “The site provides far more and sufficient bandwidth than any other public mirror in China.” The mirrored packages are available at the following URL: http://mirrors.aliyun.com/deepin/ We sincerely thank the support of Alibaba Group for Linux Deepin and other open source projects. If you are also able to mirror our distro and are willing to ...Read more

Another new mirror from China is added

Another new mirror from China is added

Linux Deepin never forgets to improve its experience for users in China as it is striving to provide a better operating system for people around the world. Apart from a number of mirrors that already exists, another new mirror located China is added to our mirror list. The mirror is provided by Sun Yat-sen University, one of the most prestigious universities in China. Users can configure to use this mirror in Deepin Software Center. Below is the URL for the mirror: http://mirror.sysu.edu.cn/deepin/ We sincerely thank Sun Yat-sen University for providing mirror support for Linux Deepin and its users. If you ...Read more