2020 is a year witnessing unprecedented challenges brought by the sudden strike of Covid-19. Despite a formidable yet imperative period of lockdown, we have joined hands with solidarity and forged ahead in confidence. While we ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year, the powerful and fruitful year of Ox is already waiting around the corner. Reflecting upon the past, we believe it's about time to recollect and cherish some of our shared memories together. deepin Community Version In 2020, deepin in total released 3 version upgrades and pushed 7 system updates. deepin 20 Beta DDE introduced ...Read more

Deepin System Updates (2021.01.21)
Welcome to experience the new deepin version! Terminal Added the "apt-get custom-update" command line, supporting system updates through specified repository sources. Dock Fixed: the dock was not automatically hidden when the window was maximized if its status was "Smart Hide"; Fixed: the WLAN icon was grayed out and did not show the signal strength. Control Center Fixed: the mirror list appeared every 8 seconds if Smart Mirror Switch was turned on; Fixed: disabling checking app updates in App Store did not take effect. Screen Capture Fixed: when pressing the shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+R", it did not trigger screen recording but launch a screenshot. Third-party apps Fixed: when double-clicking the "WPS Writer" ...Read more

deepin 20.1 (1010) - Details Make Perfection
Deepin 20.1 (1010) comes with a new 5.8 (Stable) kernel, Debian 10.6 repositories, enhanced system stability and compatibility, and optimized performance in startup time, installation time, resource usage, startup response, etc. Deepin apps are updated as well for better user experiences. More stable kernel The kernel is upgraded to 5.8 (Stable) version, and there is a minor upgrade of Kernel 5.4 (LTS), which can be installed from the system installation interface. The new kernel not only improves the overall stability but also ensures compatibility with more different devices. Note: You will get the kernel 5.10 version in system updates ...Read more

Deepin is Complete Because of You | DDUC 10th Anniversary Successfully Hosted and Witnessed by Over 200,000 Participants
On November 28, the 10th DDUC (Deepin Developer and User Conference) was successfully held in Beijing Xinchuang Park, BDA, with the theme - Deepin is Complete Because of You. Developers and users who have involved in the construction and development of deepin community over the past ten years played the leading roles of this activity. This conference has been widely concerned by deepin users, open-source communities and technology enthusiasts at home and abroad. More than 200,000 people have watched the DDUC online witnessing the growth of deepin and DDUC in the past decade. The influence of deepin in the world continues improving. With more than 1 million ...Read more

Deepin System Updates (2020.11.25)
Deepin System Updates,Welcome to upgrade your experience! Changelog: Updated some applications and improved user experiences, including Disk Utility, File Manager, Music, Movie, Camera, etc. Fixed: the rounded corner settings did not take effect after logging out the system. Fixed: if copying a file larger than 1 MB from File Manager to a phone, that file on the phone cannot be opened and its size changed. Fixed: encrypted RAR archives cannot be opened sometimes. Fixed: the Wi-Fi icon on the dock was grey out and did not show the signal strength. Fixed: the input method icon was not shown on the dock sometimes. Fixed some vulnerabilities and improved system security. Let’s explore and experience more features!

Statements on deepin repository migration and software distribution
Dear community users: Recently, deepin community team has received feedback from users that there were some third-party commercial applications and redistribution authorization issues in the official repository. We responded immediately and carried out actions such as cleaning, removal, and migration, saving a lot of repository space (189GB). Deepin 15 repository (https://packages.deepin.com/) will be replaced with the official repository (https:/ /community-packages.deepin.com). Global mirror sites can also sync the latest deepin 20 repository and ISO images. Details are as follows: Repository Migrate the main repository to deepin 20 version Clean up applications in the non-free directory Clean up deepin-wine applications ...Read more

Deepin System Updates (2020.11.13)
The new release 11031.106 (build) introduces the new functions: Backup and Restore, Downloader, and Browser, optimizes more than 200 items for desktop environment, applications, etc., improves system performance and user experience. Control Center Added: Backup and Restore with system backup, full disk backup, manual restore, restore all settings, etc. Fixed: only one resolution was displayed in the newly installed system sometimes. Fixed: the display problem of the"transparency" setting. Fixed: the three-level menu of the network settings were disappeared after connecting to a external wireless network card. Fixed: the display problem of the scrollbar in the account list. Fixed: the ...Read more

Deepin System Updates (2020.11.11)
This version upgrades the kernel, Debian 10.6 repository, system security. Welcome to upgrade and enjoy! System security Fixed Firefox-ESR security vulnerabilities, including: CVE-2020-15652, CVE-2019-13075, CVE-2020-15652, CVE-2020-6812, CVE-2020-6814, CVE-2020-6811, CVE-2020- 6807, CVE-2020-6806, CVE-2020-15669 Debian 10.6 repository Updated the repository to Debian 10.6, see the details here: https://www.debian.org/News/2020/20200926 Kernel Upgraded the kernel to improve system stability and compatibility. 5.4.50(LTS)-> 5.4.70(LTS), 5.7.7(Stable)-> 5.8.14(Stable) (To compatible with the kernel 5.8, the NVIDIA graphics driver has been upgraded to version 450.66) 1. The kernel 5.4 (LTS) supports automatic upgrade, but the kernel 5.8 (Stable) should be upgraded manually (run the command: sudo apt ...Read more