gettext Translation Introduction and Simple Usage

gettext Translation Introduction and Simple Usage

Introduction to the Basics Introduction to poedit poedit is a popular cross-platform translation editor for editing .po files. It provides an intuitive interface and a rich set of features that make it easy for translators to edit and manage software localized translations. gettext Introduction Gettext Toolset: Gettext provides a set of command-line tools for managing and processing translation-related tasks. This includes the following tools: xgettext: used to extract text strings from source code and generate .pot files (template files). msginit: used to create new .po files and provide a basic translation environment. msgmerge: used to merge updated .pot files into ...Read more

An article on SBD (a storage-based extended protection service)

An article on SBD (a storage-based extended protection service)

OVERVIEW SBD is a storage-based extended protection service that stands for STONITH Block Device.  The highest priority for highly available clusters is to protect data integrity. This protection is achieved by preventing uncoordinated parallel access to data stores. Clusters use several control mechanisms to achieve this goal. However, electing several DCs in a cluster can result in network partitions or software failures. If this so-called "node splitting" is allowed to occur, data corruption may occur.  The main mechanism that can be used to avoid this situation is node shielding through STONITH. If SBD is used as a node shielding mechanism ...Read more

Deepin 23 Preview: Atomic Updates

Deepin 23 Preview: Atomic Updates

The atomic update is a new way for system updates, which regards system updates as an atomicity operation - if the updating packages are installed successfully, the system updates are completed; otherwise, it will revert to the previous system environment, and keep it unchanged.

Deepin 23 Preview: "Linglong" Package Format

Deepin 23 Preview: "Linglong" Package Format

(中文) 玲珑——统信软件自研的开源软件包格式,用于替代dpkg、rpm等包管理工具,实现了应用包管理、分发、沙箱、集成开发工具等功能。在deepin 23 Preview阶段,独立创新的包格式到来,将解决linux长久存在的依赖问题和安全问题。同样,它也将成为建立独立上游的基础。