Community Interview—Nestor Alonso, a Friend from Mexico

Community Interview—Nestor Alonso, a Friend from Mexico

Hello, everybody. From now on, we’ll carry out a long-term interview project—Community Interview. We'll occasionally interview community fans/teams. The content and forms of the interviews will be very free because we want to have more communication with you! This issue is the first community interview, and we are honored to interview Nestor Alonso, a user from Mexico. Now let's start this brief interview. Q:Hi, Nestor Alonso. Would you like to briefly introduce yourself to us? A:Hello, everybody. My name is Nestor Alonso. I’m 23 years old. Now I’m working as a supervisor in a cinema. And my hobbies are playing ...Read more

The 3rd "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Having Started Officially

The 3rd "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Having Started Officially

  Click on the picture to see details Now the 3rd Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" has started officially. This competition is a comprehensive campus contest launched by Wuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. and Hubei University together and conducted facing all students in Hubei University. This competition aims to develop and motivate the college students’ creativity, team spirit and innovation capabilities, enhance the students' interest and abilities in Linux and provide a stage for students who have special aptitude in this aspect to show their talent. We hope that such kind of activities can stimulate the enthusiasm of college ...Read more

[Update]Deepin Mirrors Adjustment Announcement

[Update]Deepin Mirrors Adjustment Announcement

All maintainers of mirrors: Hello. In order to reduce your pressure of synchronizing Deepin mirrors (synchronizing speed and space pressure), we have made the following adjustments to Deepin mirrors: Deleted software repository data which has lost the support versions from the software repository which synchronizes externally. Moved ISO images which has lost the support versions to a different directory in the ISO repository which synchronizes externally (This directory doesn’t synchronize externally by default).

The 3rd Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Is About to Start!

The 3rd Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Is About to Start!

Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship" was established by Wuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. to reward those students who are interested and gifted in and passionate about Linux software development and who can design original outstanding works. This scholarship was set up to encourage students in Hubei University to participate in Linux community activities actively to enhance their programming level and competitiveness in employment. By now, "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" has been held twice. The 3rd competition is about to be held this year!

The Review of Development of Deepin Desktop Environment

The Review of Development of Deepin Desktop Environment

Time flies. It has been two full years since we announced that we were to develop our own desktop environment. During this period, there were both support and opposition voices outside, and a small number of people even ridiculed us, saying that there weren’t teams at home who had abilities to develop desktop environment independently at all and we would only conduct some simple modifications to the existing desktop environment at best and then bluff people into believing that we would release a "domestic desktop environment". But we resisted the pressure without any fraud and have been dedicated to hard ...Read more

[Update] To Raise the Review Rate of Deepin Internationalization Translation

[Update] To Raise the Review Rate of Deepin Internationalization Translation

Internationalization Team members: Hello. Thank you very much for your strong support to Deepin projects. With your efforts, the translation rate of 14 languages of Deepin system has exceeded 90%. Currently there are 83 languages being translated. In the future, in order to improve translation quality of the software in Deepin system, we will only use the translation results approved by the reviewers (only those translation results approved by the reviewers can be used on a large scale). At the same time, we also have taken the following measures: Having deleted the outdated projects. Having merged the branch languages nobody ...Read more

Deepin Team Wish You All a Happy National Day!

Deepin Team Wish You All a Happy National Day!

This autumn is cool and osmanthus is fragrant. We are about to welcome the National Day of this year. At this time when the long-awaited festival is coming, Deepin Team wish the community team and all users a happy National Day in advance! China's National Day: On October 1st, 1949, People's Republic of China was founded, so October 1st of each year is set as China's National Day. During the National Day period, various commemorative activities are held all around the country. People have a holiday of 7 days. Many people will choose to go out to have a relaxation ...Read more

To Welcome the Coming of 2014 SFD with Deepin

To Welcome the Coming of 2014 SFD with Deepin

  World Software Freedom Day (SFD for short) is a global activity joined by common people to promote open source software. The open source teams worldwide will organize a wide range of celebrations to celebrate this Day. The celebrating activity is scheduled on the third Saturday in September each year. Software Freedom Day in this year is on September 20th. The following are some universities or organizations where this year’s SFD activities have been decided to be held. There will be more colleges and universities or organizations to join and be updated in succession here! Shanghai Linux Users Group (A ...Read more

Thank Zhihe Tianzuo Cooperation for Providing Overseas Official Mirrors for Deepin

Thank Zhihe Tianzuo Cooperation for Providing Overseas Official Mirrors for Deepin

With the continuous development and users’ increase of Deepin system and in order to facilitate users to update the system and install the software more quickly, Deepin has now established 70 mirrors in the world, covering 24 countries and including: 3 official mirrors 26 domestic mirrors 41 overseas mirrors   Here we specially thank Hanzhou Zhihe Tianzuo Network Technology Co., Ltd. (supplying flow with MoeDN) for its providing Deepin with two overseas official mirror services: In Canada: In Japan:

Deepin Newly Adding Mirror Services in Turkey, France, Canada and China

Deepin Newly Adding Mirror Services in Turkey, France, Canada and China

Today, Deepin newly adds four mirror services, which are in Turkey, France, Canada and China respectively.  On behalf of Deepin Team, I sincerely thank everyone of you for your strong support to Deepin!   DGN Mirror Site in Turkey We thank the strong support to Deepin from DGN Technologies Information Publishing Corporation. Currently this mirror site only supports Http protocols. Its address is as follows:   Graysun Mirror Site in France We thank the strong support to Deepin from Tristan, a French fan of Deepin system. Currently this mirror site only supports Http protocols. Its address is as follows:   ...Read more