It has been a week since we released the Deepin2014 Alpha. During the interactive time, we have collected many feedbacks from our users. What they discussed most was the icon style. On account of our users, we chose to replace the original icon with the flat-style icon.

Based on the users-oriented services of our company, we decided to accept your advices. Therefore, our members from design group made their effort to wrap up the new change in the shortest time. A set of flat Deepin icons are as follow:

Skeumorphism deepin icons

Flat deepin icons

It’s just the pre-view version only to be displayed as primary revision. The final version of the icon design will be revealed in the formal Deepin2014 Beta, which will be released on May 15. We hope the new design can spark more feedbacks from our users.

Dear users, please share your favorite icon styles with us without hesitation. Anyway, there is no doubt that your precious suggestions will be taken into our considerations.


  • Tsuki


  • isunny

    我觉得应该去掉高光,同时放大中心内正圆的半径。。具体的我在这里有提到,忘采纳,。 我希望设计师设计完效果图后,等比例缩小到48 x 48 (如果icon的标准大小是这个尺寸)

    • isunny

      我的观点是,内正圆里面的内容才是区分不同图标的关键,而外边框是为了维护风格统一服务的,应缩小外边框的面积占比,极端放大内圆面积占比,,,我在上面的网址提到了一种方法,而且我在里面做了一个例图佐证,,。另外我想说高光在48 x 48 的大小下,高光真的木有存在的必要,而且浪费空间,污染设计。。。

    • isunny

      另外维护风格的是圆角矩形的外边框以及外边框的配色。才是维护风格的根本,。可以看到在iOSl7.1里系统自带的图标,内圆占比非常大,非常非常的大,。而且iOS里的图标比deepin2014里的大,iOS7里的图标尺寸放在deepin里是不合适的,因为图标大,而且iPad的ppi比任何pc设备的屏幕ppi高。。 我所有距离都是说明三点,一极度放大内圆面积占比,缩小内圆以为的区域面积占比,缩小到比例非常小。二维持圆角矩形,三配色。配色请参考flyme4。0 的概念试图,关注。魅族设计副总 杨颜。微博搜索。杨颜。可以看到

  • thethirdimpact


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