The fourth Bi-eekly Technical Progress Report in 2025 has been released. This edition comprehensively reviews the work progress made by deepin technical teams over the past two weeks, while also outlining work plans for the upcoming two weeks. This report aims to provide comprehensive updates for all enthusiasts and followers of deepin, enabling our community to better follow the system's development and actively participate in its evolution. For any feedback or suggestions, feel free to post at Deepin Community Forum. DDE(deepin Desktop Environment) Progress Over the past two weeks, efforts have focused on defect fixes, and the project has now entered code freeze. Key updates include: Migrated dde-session to Qt 6, removing dependencies on pre-installed Qt 5 translation tools and Qt Designer. Optimized the DDE Uninstall Service for immutable environments, resolving failures in specific scenarios. Fix Launcher and Taskbar not displaying on the same screen in some boundary cases. Fix the problem that dragging the Taskbar quickly when the Launcher is displayed may cause incomplete display of the ...Read more