deepin Community Attends DebConf24, Showcasing China's Open Source Strength

deepin Community Attends DebConf24, Showcasing China's Open Source Strength

The 2024 Debian Conference (DebConf24) successfully concluded at the Daeyeon Campus of Pukyong National University in early August, attracting over 339 attendees from 48 countries and regions worldwide. During the conference, developers from around the globe participated in 108 events, including over 50 lectures and discussions, 37 Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions, 12 workshops, and a day trip. The topics covered a wide range of areas, including free software and Debian introductions, package policies, system administration, automation, cloud and containers, system security, community diversity, internationalization, localization, embedded systems, and the kernel. The deepin Community has been attending this grand ...Read more