The Story Behind Mesa LLVMpipe ORCJIT Upstreaming

The Story Behind Mesa LLVMpipe ORCJIT Upstreaming

Recently, the Mesa open-source graphics driver merged the Merge Request (MR) for the llvmpipe ORCJIT backend, adding support for the riscv64 architecture.   What is LLVMpipe? LLVMpipe is a software renderer in the Mesa driver that does not use GPU hardware. Instead, it uses LLVM's JIT compiler to dynamically convert the graphics-related code to be rendered into rasterized data for display. It offers better performance compared to softpipe. Closed-source drivers have long been a major obstacle to the desktop ecosystem of the riscv64 architecture, causing most riscv64 development boards' built-in GPUs to be partially or completely unusable. Consequently, desktop distributions ...Read more