Deepin is the top Linux distribution from China, devoted to providing a beautiful, easy-to-use, safe, and reliable operating system for global users. (Global Ranking) Start Use In deepin 20.2.4, a global search is added to quickly find the information you want; the dual (LTS+Stable) kernels have minor updates; DDE and some applications are fixed and optimized to improve the overall user experience. Convenient Global Search The global search icon is in the Dock. Click it to call out the search interface, enter keywords to find the desired applications, files, etc., making your search quicker and easier. Better Kernels ...Read more

Applications of Deepin Store Updated (2021-08)
Deepin is the top Linux distribution from China, devoted to providing a beautiful, easy-to-use, safe, and reliable operating system for global users. (Global Ranking) Start Use Application Added ArcTime, QuteScoop, BlueJ, Publii, Heimer, Czkawka, Feem, filmulator, Plots, Vocal Application Updated Gnome Terminal, Skype, Typora, XMind: ZEN, VLC, WeChat Devtools, LTris, Brave, Chrome, Inkscape, SafeEyes, uTools, X11VNC Server, Firefox Quantum (ZH), Firefox ESR, WeChat(wine), MasterPDF editor, QQ music, OBS Studio, Etcher, Oh my dde, Thunderbird Start Use