Deepin is the top Linux distribution from China, devoted to providing a beautiful, easy-to-use, safe, and reliable operating system for global users. (Global Ranking) In deepin 20.2.2, a brand-new App Store is released, with a fresh visual design, simplified interaction, Android apps support, and better application management. In addition, kernels are upgraded with the upstream, more GPU models and graphics cards are adapted, and deepin applications are updated, optimized, and fixed, offering improved stability and compatibility, and a better user experience. What's more, deepin supports secure boot to ensure that the device boots trusted software and protects system security. New ...Read more

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2021-05)
Application Added TIM(wine), SmartSVN, Everythings, Finger Vein Keyboard Driver, Cloud Based Video Conferencing System, Screengrab, Lifeograph, Links2, Qpxtool, Radiotray, Retext, Yabause-gtk, Madbomber, Mate-terminal, Openstv, Minizinc, Quickcal, Repsnapper, Sasm, Spim, Stopwatch, Xfig, NxShell, obsidian, Kradio4, Mobile-atlas-creator, Seascope, Webhttrack, CodeBlocks, Ninja IDE, Ddrescueview, Calligrastage, Connman-gtk, Dhcpcd-gtk, Matchbox-keyboard, Evolvotron, Godot3, Coccinella, Gpsprune, Mozc-utils-gui, Gtranscribe, Guake-indicator, Wireless Mouse, Scim, Pavucontrol-qt, Muon, Mp3splt, Gnome-phone-manager, Gniall, Fractgen, Ffdiaporama, Blueman, Disk Manager, JClic, Opencubicplayer, Jameicam, Gnome-system-log, Gnome-sound-recorder, Input-pad, Ngraph-gtk, Pcb-rnd, Nomacs, XMind Application Updated MAME, Visual Studio Code, VLC, vim