deepin is a Linux distribution devoted to providing beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. deepin is an open source GNU/Linux operating system, based on Linux kernel and mainly on desktop applications, supporting laptops, desktops and All-in-One computers. It preinstalls Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) and nearly 30 deepin native applications, as well as several applications from the open source community to meet users' daily learning and work needs. In addition, about a thousand of applications are offered in Deepin Store to meet users’ various requirements. Compared with deepin 15.9, deepin 15.10 introduces new functions such ...Read more

Deepin System Updates (2019.04.28)
dde 15.10 Control Center: * Added the validity check for netmask in network IPv4; * Fixed the issue that screen rotation was not well supported on HiDPI screen when disabling window effect; * Improved the order in wireless network list; * Fixed display scaling issues in multi-display environment; * Fixed screen projection issues; * Fixed the bug that the screen rotation cannot be exited by pressing ESC; * Fixed the inconsistence between the example sound effect and the actual sound effect of notification; * Fixed the issue that some display settings were not shown in multi-display environment; * Offered different ...Read more