Deepin System Updates (2018.04.28)

Deepin System Updates (2018.04.28)

Marea icon theme was updated to version 5.0. Halo icon theme was updated to version 1.9.1. Wechat was updated to version Wechat for Enterprise was updated to version, which fixed the issue that its icon may not display on the tray. libgtk2.0 was updated to version 2.53.4-4 with dbg packages added.

Deepin System Updates (2018.04.24)

Deepin System Updates (2018.04.24)

deepin-wine updated to version 2.18-8~rc2 Fixed the issue that the wine application window cannot take the focus when pressing Alt+Tab. Fixed the issue that the password cannot be entered through the numeric keypad in QQ and TIM. Removed the black borders around AliWangwang window when disable window effect in control center.

【Official Statement】Linux Deepin is not Spyware

【Official Statement】Linux Deepin is not Spyware

Recently, there is saying that Linux Deepin is spyware. The logic is that Deepin has links in its website and Appstore, and since cnzz will collect some client information in the browser, thus Linux Deepin is spyware. It is really a serious problem, since nobody wants to have his/her private information leaked, as in the Facebook event. Deepin has to inform all those interested that our Appstore backend is a website and cnzz is a famous internet statistics analysis service provider that collects website anonymous usage information such as browser user agents, resolution, etc. and which is just a ...Read more

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2018-04)

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2018-04)

Update Details of April 9 Application Added: Deepin Manual, BricsCAD, Buttercup, Headset, Lightgallery, OpenOffice, Sylaps, Tracktion, TuxCut, Upterm, VeraCrypt, VK messenger, Geary, Paperwork, Janus Workspace, MakeHuman Application Updated: DBeaver, dingtalk, Mailspring, Myeclipse, Nixnote, OneNote, Postman, VNote, Visual Studio Code, Nuvola Player, mpv Update Details of April 13 Flatpak Applications Added: Deepin Music(Flatpak), Deepin Picker(Flatpak), Deepin Image Viewer(Flatpak), Deepin Movie(Flatpak), Deepin Screen Recorder(Flatpak), Deepin Screenshot(Flatpak), Deepin Voice Recorder(Flatpak), Deepin Calendar(Flatpak), Deepin Calculator(Flatpak) aMule(Flatpak), AnyDesk(Flatpak), B1 Free Archiver(Flatpak), BearyChat(Flatpak), Beyond Compare(Flatpak), Bino(Flatpak), Brackets(Flatpak), Buka(Flatpak), ClipGrab(Flatpak), CloudCompare(Flatpak), CuteMarkEd(Flatpak), EzViewer(Flatpak), Finetune(Flatpak), FocusWriter(Flatpak), Ghex(Flatpak), Git Cola(Flatpak), QtiPlot(Flatpak), Scribus(Flatpak), Shadowsocks-Qt5(Flatpak), SMplayer(Flatpak), SpeedCrunch(Flatpak), SQLiteStudio(Flatpak), Stellarium(Flatpak), Synergy(Flatpak), Valentina(Flatpak), ...Read more

Deepin System Updates (2018.04.04)

Deepin System Updates (2018.04.04)

Flash updated to version Updated flash for Firefox, Chrome, Opera to the latest version. GTK+2.0 updated to version 2.24.31-34deepin Fixed the stuck issue after click “cancel” in conflict dialog when saving file in WPS. Fixed the issue that when click “Open” in GTK applications without enabling window effect in control center, the open file dialog of file manager and that of the application own opened simultaneously. GTK+3.0 updated to version 3.22.17-6deepin Fixed the issue that the GTK application did not call the open file dialog of file manager. dtkwidget updated to version Fixed the issue that Deepin Manual ...Read more

Deepin Manual V2.0 is released -- Get More Help Here

Deepin Manual V2.0 is released -- Get More Help Here

Deepin Manual V2.0 is released! Deepin Manual as a manual carrier aims to help more deepin users! Whether a new or an advanced deepin user, you can learn more about deepin and its family applications from it.   A collection of manuals - learn deepin comprehensively Based on the old version, Deepin Manual V2.0 integrated the manuals of deepin desktop environment and applications together, so you can get a full understanding quickly; what is more, it provided an icon entrance in Launcher, so you can start it more quickly and easily.   System Integration - get manual efficiently Deepin Manual ...Read more