Update Details of March 23 Application Added: Aptana Studio, Nuke, Robo3t, MathMod, Zoom Cloud Meetings, Zelda Return of the Hylian SE, Super Productivity, Nuvola Player, SeaMonkey Application Updated: audacity, brackets, jetbrains-toolbox, vscode Update Details of March 9 Application Added: Zelda Mystery of Solarus XD, Trillian, Nootka, edrawinfo, Edraw MindMaster, Wings 3D, Calf Studio Gear Application Updated: Android Studio, Telegram Desktop, LibreOffice, Wiznote, Visual Studio Code Update Details of March 2 Application Added: Bitwig Studio, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Enpass, Krusader, Phoduit, Codelobster Application Updated: VMware, VirtualBox, Liteide

Deepin System Updates (2018.03.02)
Deepin-wine updated to version 2.18-5~rc6: Supported QQ remote assistance; Fixed the issue that several windows did not appear in the front after clicking; Fixed the strong focus problem of QQ new message, which resulted in input interruption; Fixed the issue that you had to click many times in QQ password box to enter the password; Fixed the issue that two WeChat windows appeared when dragging, and there was a black border after disabled window effect; Fixed the issue that the search result window of WeChat for Enterprise did not appear in the front; Fixed the issue that 3D window effect collapsed in some conditions in WeChat; Supported adding system shortcuts for WeChat, for example, open Deepin Terminal and execute the following command to add the shortcut: /opt/deepinwine/tools/add_hotkeys "Open WeChat" " w WeChat" "<Control><Alt>W" Fixed the issue that the @ window did not display after WeChat restored from the minimized window. Supported pasting the files from wine applications into Deepin File Manager; Supported pasting the files from Deepin File Manager into WeChat; Flatpak updated to version 0.11.3.p1-3: Fixed the issue that the image can not be opened by double clicking. Fcitx updated to version 1: Updated upstream to fix the problem that input method cannot be used in Flatpak apps.