Update Details of May 19 Application Added: Imagination, Tux Math, ScreenRuler, Kadu, Subdownloader, Send Anywhere Application Updated: Atom, Brackets, DataGrip, Deepin Game, Chrome, PhpStorm, SMplayer, Vivaldi, VMware Workstation, WebStorm, XnView MP Update Details of May 12 Application Added: Berry, Cliqz, Curlew, Iridium Browser, Laverna, Selene, Skype, Slack Application Updated: Krita, Steam, Typora, VMware Workstation, Visual Studio Code

Deepin Community Website is Now Available in Italian and Russian
deepin was born in China and aimed at global. To let more and more community people who can experience the Linux distribution from China, and to let everyone knows about the community activities, news and planning of the system, we have added i18n project for community website to make better support for global users and enlarge the global impact of the community website. During a period time of preparation and testing, Deepin Community is now available in Italian and Russian, and we will add support for other languages in future. Now we sincerely invited i18n project members to help us ...Read more

deepin 15.4——Outstanding from inside out
deepin is a Linux distribution devoted to providing beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. deepin 15.4 has brand new design for Control Center and desktop, it adopted new blur and transparent style, new interactions for hot corner and window manager along with selective wallpapers, fullscreen installation interface, latest stable kernel version and Deepin original applications. It added Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) and Amharic language support. Brand New Design and Good-Looking The Control Center has brand new design and interactions, the homepage shows quick access icons for common settings to make the operation easier and quickly; ...Read more

Detailed change log for deepin 15.4 RC2
deepin is a Linux distribution devoted to providing beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. After the test of deepin 15.4 RC1, we've received a lot of suggestions and feedback, we adopted part of them and fixed a lot of problems, and also added and optimized part of the functions. Here are update details of deepin 15.4 RC2: Desktop Fixed that the desktop icons will be covered by dock at switching position in smart hide mode; Fixed that the desktop folders and apps cannot be open with Enter key; Control Center The weather is now using Moji's ...Read more

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2017-04)
Update Details of April 21 Application Added: LilyDict, Krita, Rock Dodger, Zotero, Fritzing, QGIS, OpenSCAD, DuckieTV, Flare, Electronic WeChat Application Updated: Foxit Reader, Telegram, Steam, Lollypop, Visual Studio Code, Pidgin, Leanote, MoonPlayer, Notepadqq, Nylas Mail, OpenShot, Shotcut, XMind Update Details of April 7 Application Added: Tux Typing, Gramps, Quod Libet, galculator, Totem, Klavaro, PulseAudio, Stremio Update Details of April 1 Application Added: Deepin Voice Recorder, Pinta, Foxmail, Typora, Grsync, RapidSVN, gThumb, Pencil2D, Rosegarden, Robocut, PyPE, RSIBreak, Gringotts