Deepin Emacs Updated to Version 3.0-1 Added real-time format to indent by syntax when writing codes; Added dired-filter mode to quickly filter and display files according to rules under dired; emacs 27.0.50 of the newest emacs git is used to build; Disabled temporary scratch buffer on starting; Added buffer protection to minibuffer-tray, avoiding to exit minibuffer-tray progress when deleting buffer; Added upper case characters and bound to Alt + z; Migrate multi-term.el plugin to cl-lib repository; Added key bindings for moccur-grep-find-pwd; Fast recursively find words at the cursor and select strings; Added Intelligent indent function for paredit-open-curly-smart; Updated move-text.el plug-in to be compatible with versions later than Emacs 26; Improved C++ syntax highlight; Supported Rust language; Detected g++ command before loading the plugin of auto-complete-clang-extension.el to ...Read more

Deepin File Manager V1.6 is Released
Deepin File Manager V1.6 is a revision. It not only added some new functions, but also optimized some details, and fixed bugs from users. New functions: Newly added batch renaming; Newly added decryption to encrypted disk; Newly added folder preview; Newly added “Safely Remove”option when external device connected; Newly added “Send to” option for file/folder when removable device inserted; Newly added the function to close tab by middle click and switch by mouse wheel; Newly added dialog prompt for file without permission; Functions optimized: Optimized the function that new file/folder will be selected after renamed; Optimized the logic to drag file: dragging file in the same ...Read more