deepin is a Linux distribution devoted to provide beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. deepin 15.4 Beta has the newly designed Control Center, and it installed a series of Deepin Original Applications. It is easy to use with great beauty and has improved the user experience a lot. Besides, the kernel version has been upgraded to the latest stable version, it has improved the stability and compatibility. Due to the active feedback from alpha test users, deepin 15.4 beta has an outstanding improvement on completeness and compatibility. Now let's view some of the concerned changes! ...Read more

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2017-02)
Update Details of February 28 Application Added: Synaptic Package Manager, GDebi Package Installer, Tux Paint, Artha, Liferea, Frozen Bubble, PySolf Club Edition, KMahjongg, Emilia Pinball, Chromium B.S.U. Update Details of February 20 Application Added: Frets on Fire, Blobby Volley 2, PipeWalker, Warzone 2100, KPatience, DreamChess, Gweled, BurgerSpace, Mahjongg, PyChess Update Details of February 13 Application Added: yEd Graph Editor, PuTTY, Xarchiver, Gwyddion, PyRoom, GNOME Taquin, pyRenamer, Character Map, Racket, wxMaxima, Dr. Geo, Vodovod, Referencer, PokerTH, X-Moto