The security updates of gst-plugins-bad1.0, drupal7, wireshark, gst-plugins-good1.0, icu, hdf5, chromium-browser, apt, game-music-emu, libupnp, tor, flightgear, python-bottle, squid3, graphicsmagick, libcrypto++, dcmtk, libphp-phpmailer, libgd2, pcsc-lite, libvncserver and tomcat8. Vulnerability Information DSA-3717-1 gst-plugins-bad1.0, gst-plugins-bad0.10 —Security Updates Security database details: Chris Evans discovered that the GStreamer plugin to decode VMware screen capture files allowed the execution of arbitrary code. DSA-3718-1 drupal7 — Security Updates Security database details: Multiple vulnerabilities has been found in the Drupal content management framework. For additional information, please refer to the upstream advisory at DSA-3719-1 wireshark — Security Updates Security database details: It was discovered that wireshark, a ...Read more