Update Details of November 30 Application Added: Babe Music Player, Brave, Cmd Markdown, GanttProject, Intel XDK, Listen 1, Pick, SQLiteStudio, PeaZip, Freeciv, Tremulous, CuteMarkEd, GitKraken, Marp, Edraw Max, The Powder Toy, 4K Strogam, itch, Flowblade Movie Editor, Redshift, Whatsie Application Updated: Qianqianquege, Foxit Reader, DataGrip, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, IntelliJ IDEA Community, Sayonara Player, Steam, krita, Chrome

The Deepin Acknowledgments Web Page Is Launched!
Hi everyone: Today, as the important part of the community, the acknowledgements page is finally online! Address:https://www.deepin.org/acknowledgments/ We added the newly designed the acknowledgements page, mainly shows the community user who contributed to Deepin OS, as it's also a way for us to thank for the global Deepin community users. The brand new acknowledgements page includes project logo, name, description and the contributers list of Deepin OS and Deepin softwares. Now we've finished the data initialize process, the contributers list are collected from GitHub, community developer, community tester and i18n project, and we will show new contibuters afterwards. If ...Read more