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Security Updates (DSA-3531-1 and DSA-3318-1)
The security vulnerability updates include chromium-browser and expat security updates. Vulnerability Overview DSA-3531-1 chromium-browser -- security update Security database information: CVE-2016-1646 : An out-of-bounds read issue was discovered in the v8 library. CVE-2016-1647: A use-after-free issue was discovered. CVE-2016-1648: A use-after-free issue was discovered in the handling of extensions. CVE-2016-1649: lokihardt discovered a buffer overflow issue in the Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine (ANGLE) library. CVE-2016-1650: The chrome development team found and fixed various issues during internal auditing. Also multiple issues were fixed in the v8 javascript library, version 4.9.385.33. DSA-3318-1 expat -- security update Security database information: CVE-2015-1283: Multiple integer overflows have been discovered in ...Read more

FOSSASIA Summit 2016 Sharing
FOSSASIA is the most famous summit of Open Source and Open Technology in Asia. Its participants are mainly startups and contributors. Many speakers from 35 countries are invited this year, it is a great Open Source gift for Open Source fans! This year the FOSSASIA 2016 lasted for 3 days, with the main topics of technology and business startup, OpenTech, Internet of Things and science hackers, PostgreSQL, and of course, many non-technical community topics. Participants can pick their concerning topics according to the conference schedule. Many awesome people in Open Source community were invited to the Summit, for ...Read more

Deepin Kernel Plan
Origin Since the public test of deepin 15 Alpha 2, we have received many issues caused by incompatible hardwares such as graphics card, network card, power management and printer. This made us realize that changing our system build repository from Ubuntu to Debian sid (using official Debian kernel) will cause big problem for hardware compatibility. Meanwhile, we realized the importance of maintaining an independent kernel. Because, by integrating massive community patches into official Ubuntu kernel, it has made quite some improvements in hardware compatibility. As a result, after serious consideration, we decided to maintain our own kernel. Short Term ...Read more

deepin 15.1.1 Released
Recently, some boot issues occurred due to our last updates. Really sorry for that, and now we got the solution. Please try to reinstall the system with our latest 15.1.1 image. Meanwhile, the following issues were fixed in this edition: The issue that files on desktop can not be displayed normally. The issue that Launcher froze while running. The issue that Smart hide was invalid. Mirrors Download Official Downloads: 64bit: click to download (MD5 hash: 583a31ccf9fb41670d71645444c2bed7) 32bit: click to download (MD5 hash: 17daf60ec6c1e5da8ff76a3bfdb9c94d) Other downloads (Synchronizing): Sourceforge, MEGA, Baidu Yun, Community ISO Repository How to Get You can ...Read more

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2016-03)
Update Details of March 25 Application Added: FrostWire、Kodi、Android Cookpad、Android A Soft Murmur、Android Instagram Update Details of March 18 Application Added: Foxit Reader, Cinelerra, Shotcut, SmartGit, Web KCals, Web Rune Raiders, Web BrowserQuest, Web Gravit, Web Outlook, Web Minefield, Android Plants.Vs.Zombie Update Details of March 11 Application Added: Urban Terror, Magarena, Unvanquished, Zero Ballistics, KeePassX, Web AirDroid, Web mindmaps, Web Wunderlist Application Removed: Web Update Details of March 4 Scrolling Pictures Updated: Spotify, SuperTuxKart, Teeworlds, XnView MP, MineCraft Application Added: Visual Studio Code,Telegram, OpenRA, TagSpaces, Web The West, Web Kingdom Rush Frontiers, Web Hextris, Web Soldiers Inc, Web Shadow Kings, ...Read more