deepin users have seen tremendous changes of Deepin Boot Maker from version 0.99 to 1.0 - more concise interface and more visual operation. Today, let me take you to experience the simplification of Deepin Boot Maker again. 1. Decrease of description In versions before Deepin Boot Maker 1.0, we have added brief introduction of applications to provide clearer cognition for everyone. But we found there is no practical help and becomes a visual work after analysed the user feedback. So, we will remove them in the interface of version 1.0.
![[Review from Linux Foundation]Deepin Linux: A Polished Distro That's Easy to Install and Use](
[Review from Linux Foundation]Deepin Linux: A Polished Distro That's Easy to Install and Use
Author:Swapnil Bhartiya I usually don't dig into new distros, unless they have something new to offer. The reason is because there are so many distros that are released everyday that it's challenging, and to some extent, pointless to track them all. I was not very excited when I decided to download Deepin as I assumed it to be yet another distro. I was wrong. It turned out to be an extremely polished, robust and easy-to-use distribution targeted at traditional Windows or Mac users. So what makes this OS so special? Almost everything.

deepin & CrossOver Applications Porting Vote (Phase 1)
Hello Everyone, In order to address the need of all applications monopolized by Windows, we built the partnership with CodeWeavers Company. In deepin2014.2 released on December 31, 2014, we bring you the first ported application--QQ6.7. We plan to complete the porting of 50 applications most commonly used in Windows in 2015. Due to time and manpower constraints, we hope everyone to vote for the following applications and we will prioritise to complete the ranking first one: Meitu Baidu Cloud QQ download

announcement of adjustment for mailing list
Hello everyone: In order to improve the communication between different language users, we now decided to make the following adjustments of deepin original mailing lists: deepin users: For general discussion of deepin users, the common language is English. deepin developers: For discussion of deepin developer, the common language is English.

QQ6.7 Runs in Deepin without Any Toss!
Author:Manatee LazyCat,deepin progame manager Deepin team has been established for more than 3 years, and we always follow the principle of "reinvent the wheel" to improve user experience in desktop system, for example, the well-known Deepin Music, Deepin Software Center, Deepin Desktop Environment, and so on. In China, Tencent QQ (hereinafter, QQ) is the most popular on-line chat tool in the daily life, however, it cannot run normally in Linux OS, which is the biggest barrier for Chinese users to switch to Linux OS. Today, let me tell you the story behind the development of QQ6.7 running in deepin.
Methods for deepin 2014.1 and 2014.2 RC to Be Upgraded to 2014.2
Hello everyone, Because there are relatively big changes in deepin 2014.2, in order to make sure that you can upgrade your system to 2014.2 smoothly, we have made the upgrade package. Please download this package to upgrade system. Methods 1. After downloading the package “deepin-os-upgrader_0.0-gerrit+2472-2_all.deb”, double-click the package to install. Password is the password for the current account.