Activity Change: The collection scope narrows from software to applications (drivers and themes are not collected), because Deepin Store will focus on application service in future. Hello everyone, In order to create Deepin Store to be a application store with the best experience and most abundant application in Linux, we officially start the collection activity of Deepin Store quality application. Whether you are aapplication developer or common user, we welcome you to contribute in the creation of Deepin Store. Now, let's go to deepin forum to participate in the activity. Activity Profile Time: August 5, 2015 - September 5, ...Read more
Emergency Update Announcement of deepin System (July 30, 2015)
Hello everyone, Recently, some users feed back that Firefox and CrossOver can not be started properly after updated the system. We found that this problem is due to Linux kernel updates pushed by Ubuntu (currently Ubuntu has pushed the correct Linux kernel updates). Now, please switch to the official stable mirror in Deepin Store, and then update the system to solve the problem. Deepin Technology Team

Deepin Screenshot V3.1 Released: What we capture is different surprises and what we stick to is the continuation of happiness
After a lapse of three months, it is finally time for Deepin Screenshot V3.1! What new surprises will Deepin Screenshot V3.1 bring to us based on continuing the excellent experience of Deepin Screenshot V3.0? Exquisite--Exquisite than ever before Fine tune screenshot: Elaboration, jumped into our eyes New version of Deepin Screenshot optimized and adjusted the details while continued its easy-to-use feature. Here it added the function to fine tune screenshot area and marking size [use Ctrl + arrow keys/ Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys], so you can precisely deal with screenshots. Picture quality: Blurry or clear, up ...Read more

New deepin Blog Has Been Officially Launched!
Hello everyone, Here, Blog-the important model of deepin community sites has been officially launched! New Address: We offers a new update of new blog appearance with the current popular waterfall flow style. The blog contents will be better shown in everyone's eyes! New blog still uses the acclaimed WordPress blog system, and we carried out a secondary development to achieve a seamless integration with Deepin ID. Now we can easily log in by Deepin ID. Welcome to contribute high-quality articles by the blog contribution function! In order to accommodate the current popular social comments, blog in Simplified Chinese uses ...Read more

deepin Team Will Participate in The Fifth Human Design Conference (HDCon2015)!
The Fifth Human Design Conference will be held on July 18, 2015 inthe F2 Conference Hall of Pudong Software Building, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The conference subject is "Design thinking changes the world!". Experts from domestic design field have been invited to present various exploration and solutions on design thinking by theoretical and practical cases, and inspire designers and entrepreneurs to do rich contents sharing. We will send a team of designers to participate in the conference and look forward to exchange and share experiences with all friends. Overview of the conference Date: July 18, 2015 (09:00 ~ ...Read more

COSCUP 2015 Open Source Annual Conference, We Wait for You in Taiwan!
COSCUP, Taiwan's largest open source conference will be held in the Activity Center & HSSB Academia Sinica on August 15, 2015. Whether you are an open source developer, devoted promoter, skilled user or newcomer, welcome to join in the largest open source annual conference in Taiwan. As a bronze sponsor of the conference, Wuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. will send delegations to attend. Welcome all partners to participate in COSCUP 2015 with us! Overview of the conference Date: August 15, 2015-August 16, 2015 Address: Activity Center & HSSB Academia Sinica (Taiwan) Sponsor: COSCUP Website: Contact: [email protected] ...Read more