A long time ago, nearly every Linux newbie would encounter a classical problem—how to update the Linux system? What's the command used to update the Linux system? Because at that time there generally wasn’t graphics software like "Software Center" or "System Update" in the mainstream Linux systems, users could only use command to update the system. However, most Linux novices contacted with systems other than Windows for the first time, so they didn’t know how to use command to update the system. At present, it is the case that for most Linux systems, either the Software Center is installed in ...Read more
Announcement on Suspending System Update of This Time (Nov. 6, 2014)
Deepin users: Hello. Through the feedback of this week's internal testing activities, we find that the patches of system update of this time will cause a problem in the refresh of the display of the trays window in Dock. This bug will significantly impact the users’ experience, so we decide to suspend system update of this week. Meanwhile, we thank our friends who joined in the internal testing activities of this time very much! The following is a name list of people we want to thank here: ahyanglf a287740928 pdlenovo diyiliaoya deepinwuyuvl ArthurDeepin bjwuyunlong zywlsh element cbryy 94088737 xiaoshitou jswolf ...Read more

Community Interview: Point—a Vibrant Team
Hello, everybody. In this issue of community interview, we are honored that we’ve invited the development team of Point downloader! Now, let’s begin this issue of community interview! Q: First of all, every member of Point team, please give us an introduction about you~ A: Hello, everyone. I’m Match in Point Team. First of all let me make a whole introduction on Point downloader and the development team of it: Point is a piece of software used to help you efficiently download various kinds of files. Its current version supports HTTP, ED2K, BT, FTP and other downloading protocols. Our goal ...Read more

Halloween Wallpapers Download
Hello, everyone! Today is Halloween. Deepin Team have specially prepared a collection of Halloween wallpapers for you. The following is a preview for part of these wallpapers. Click here to download all the wallpapers.

Deepin 2014.1 Users’ Feedback Summary (Oct. 29, 2014)
It has been a period of time since Deepin 2014.1 was released. In this version, we focused on improving the stability of the system. We have got the approval of most users and have also received the feedback from many users. Now we’ll mainly give a reply to the users’ feedback on the design of Deepin system. Dock Q: The height of the panel of Dock under the Efficient Mode is a little high. A: This has been a comparatively appropriate height. If some friends think it is too high, they can choose the Classical Mode. Q: The icons are ...Read more

Sharing of the 3rd Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Campus Talk
The 3rd Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" has officially started on October 26th, 2014! In order to promote the understanding and communication to this competition of students in Hubei University, on the 26th of this month, together with the Students' Union of Hubei University and leaders of the related communities, we held a campus talk on this competition in Classroom 1305 in Computer and Information Engineering College of Hubei University! In this campus talk, we sent our Deepin Team colleague Ye Kaisheng who is the leader of Application & Development team to give a speech whose theme is ...Read more

Community Interview—Nestor Alonso, a Friend from Mexico
Hello, everybody. From now on, we’ll carry out a long-term interview project—Community Interview. We'll occasionally interview community fans/teams. The content and forms of the interviews will be very free because we want to have more communication with you! This issue is the first community interview, and we are honored to interview Nestor Alonso, a user from Mexico. Now let's start this brief interview. Q:Hi, Nestor Alonso. Would you like to briefly introduce yourself to us? A:Hello, everybody. My name is Nestor Alonso. I’m 23 years old. Now I’m working as a supervisor in a cinema. And my hobbies are playing ...Read more

The 3rd "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Having Started Officially
Click on the picture to see details Now the 3rd Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" has started officially. This competition is a comprehensive campus contest launched by Wuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. and Hubei University together and conducted facing all students in Hubei University. This competition aims to develop and motivate the college students’ creativity, team spirit and innovation capabilities, enhance the students' interest and abilities in Linux and provide a stage for students who have special aptitude in this aspect to show their talent. We hope that such kind of activities can stimulate the enthusiasm of college ...Read more
Update Records of Deepin (Oct. 22, 2014)
Thanks for the pre-test from our friends who are members of Internal Testing Group. Yesterday we pushed out our routine system updates. Here is a summary of system bugs fixed and newly added features for your reference as follows. Deepin Control Center The bug that control center was hidden by clicking on the blank area of desktop has been fixed. In shortcut module, the bug that some shortcuts can not be set has been fixed. In system information module, the bug with wrong version number displayed has been fixed. In power supply module, the bug caused by suspend mode when ...Read more