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Linux Deepin 2013 Multi-Language Installation Images
A development version of the next release of the Deepin operating system will be available next week. As you may have noticed, all strings on Linux Deepin's Transifex page is for Linux Deepin 2013. So what are we going to do with all the translated strings for Linux Deepin 2013? We have recently built a couple of ISO images based on the translation contributed by our volunteers on Transifex. A notable change for the installer included in the new images is that it now supports the installation of multiple languages. The installation image has also included the most recent ...Read more

Goodbye, Larry, goodbye, our cowboy
Author: Wang Yong, the leader of Linux Deepin The first time I heard of Perl language was from the legendary story about a Taiwanese hacker, called Tang Feng, who had learnt Haskell in a month in which he did developed Perl6 as well. Unfortunately, I didn’t make further study on Perl when learning the Emacs. However, what surprised me most was the efficient development based on Haskell. At last, I became a big Haskell fan. The first time I saw Larry Wall was when I attended the CSDN 2014 Open Source Technology Conference (OSTC). I still remembered the excitement ...Read more

An Interview: The Inside Story of Deepin2014 Experience Machine (Part1)
Having prepared for so long, finally, news related to Deepin2014 experience machine is formally unveiled with the long-term expectation from our broad users. In this section, users can know about the display of unboxing and the installation of Deepin 2014 on the experience machine. Now, enjoy the previw-vedio.

The CSDN 2014 OSTC Review
The CSDN 2014 Open Source Technology Conference (OSTC) was held in Beijing on March 30, 2014. With the theme of Open Mind and Open Source, this conference had widely assembled OS participants and enthusiasts from all over the country .what excited us was that the host had invited the OS contributors and community activists to share the precious experience on OS technology and community operation. Those speakers held deep discussion on the current situation and future of China OS development including various fields of OS, Web development, mobile and game development, enterprise application and so on. The aim of this ...Read more